Services I offer to add a little sparkle to your wedding ceremony include:
- A no-obligation 45 minute face to face meeting to discuss your big day and the legal requirements for the marriage
- Up to two other meetings including a rehearsal, preferably on-site
- Help filling in legal forms such as the NOIM (Notice of Intended Marriage), which must be lodged at least a month prior to the marriage.
- Any number of emails and phone calls you need for advice, suggestions or just a chat
- An outline of the running order of the ceremony
- Ideas for readings and music
- Help writing your own script and vows for the day
- Lodging your legal certificates following your marriage
- Applying for your marriage certificate/s by electronic means
- Use of my PA system including microphones and a speaker
- Providing a table and table cloth for the signing
How much does it cost?
- My pricing structure varies depending on the complexity of the ceremony, what services are provided, the distance travelled and the number of people attending.
- Please call or email for an obligation free quote 0418 600 523
Extra services
For an additional fee I can include the following services:
- Download your chosen music for your wedding
- Play your music through my PA system
- Travel more than 70kms round trip (70c per km over 70kms)
If there isn’t something I cover, let me know, I’m sure I can help.
Refund policy
- A deposit of $150 one week after lodging the NOIM secures your ceremony date
- I request the final payment 2 weeks before the ceremony
- If you need to cancel and it is more than 14 days before your ceremony date, the deposit of $150 will be kept to cover services such as lodgement of NOIM, but any other payment will be returned
- If you are unhappy about any part of the ceremony, I encourage you to discuss it with me